Ebert, Robert and Sara (The Best Critics)
Last night I was watching the news and they said that the amount of people going to movies has declined from last year. It was funny to see them search through all these reasons: the movies are getting bad, people just buy dvds now, etc. Maybe I was the only one to think this, but they left out the most important reason (those dumbasses)--THE PRICE!
Insolent fools! hehehe, no just kidding. But really, the price is a huge factor. I, spent $9, count em, $9 the other day to go see a silly J Lo movie. Well I didn't spend my own money, but you get the idea. I've heard recently that they're going to raise it to $10. Maybe this is just the crazy price in New York, but I definitely don't go see random movies anymore...they have to be referred to me by a friend or they have to have some hot actor in them (haha, come on...you like the hot actors too!).
I just had to bring this factor up to attention, since the TV reporters missed it...idiots!
I just don't want movie theaters to go away (the news brought up this point). There's something magical about the atmosphere there that you can never duplicate--right down to the crying baby 2 rows ahead of you. That's why we love movie theaters, we love everything about them.
And where else would I see Michael Vartan's face 20 feet high? Just a dvd wouldn't suffice. So please, guys, stop raising the prices and keep the movie theaters around. You'll surely see a change in attendance.