Tuesday, May 24, 2005

A Small Update....

I haven't really had a chance to write anything recently cause of finals and the upcoming wedding. Between these two things I literally have had no time to sleep. And I had to pack to move back home.

I am so tired. When you move from one world to the next, tiredness tends to bring ya down.

School and home seriously are two different worlds. I like to have some quiet, at school I get plenty of it, but at home I'd be lucky if I'm left alone for 30 seconds. Also, it's really hard to go from packing, to moving, to working without any real rest. It's 12:50 right about now, and I'm dozing off as I type. Can you say Sara is a little old lady? hehe, I'm so tired, I'd probably slur that a little myself.

Wow. I feek as if I am going absolutely crazy. It's the lack of sleep. I'm off to bed, I shall update soon ( i hope).


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