Saturday, July 09, 2005

What Now?

I decided to change my posts up today and instead of complaining about my life that I really shouldn't complain about, talk about my views on what is going on in the world right now. Something that needs much greater attention. This is my reaction to Thursday's bombings in London.

First, My thoughts and sympathies go out to everyone affected by the attack on London.

So where now?

Well. If this isn't the excuse for imposing similar laws on the British that the American people have had to suffer for so long that the powers that be have been waiting for, nothing is.

When I say the powers that be, I'm not necessarily referring to Tony Blair and his cabinet, although he and his unelected behind the scenes advisors undoubtedly make up the numbers in the coalition of the willing President Bush has been building around himself since September 11th, 2001.

The powers that be I refer to are the people who former American president and former head of the CIA George Bush senior referred to when he said, "We need to build a new world order". The real powers who control the world. The Bilderberg groups of this world. The secret societies who's members comprise of oil billionaires and newspaper owners. The defense contractors who's profit margins depends upon a continuing need for weapons of mass destruction. Does Dick Cheney's connection to Haliburton ring any bells?

Now, before I run away with what is, admittedly, one part received opinion and one part a healthy disrespect for politicians, let me make it clear that I am not against drafting new legislation, or using existing legislation which actually prevents the kind of attacks we witnessed in London, far from it.

What I am against, and fearful of, is that this will simply serve as another bargaining chip the Bush administration will use to justify the continuation of their drive to impose their will on the rest of the world - or at least the parts of it that have oil and natural resources which powerful lobbyists and billion dollar American businesses want to exploit, in the name of capitalism.

No one could argue that true freedom and democracy isn't preferable to the kind of regimes which are in place in countries such as China, Israel and Zimbabwe, but these aren't the countries on Bush's list of priorities, least of all Israel, who's government deliberately carries out acts of terrorism on their own neighbors every day of the week without so much as even a comment from the white house. Not a single governing officer bats an eyelash in that direction.


On a note of respect, which is I believed still deserved despite so many marks against his name, I have to trust that Tony Blair at least thinks he knows what he is doing by sticking so close to Bush. Politically, and this is something Americans especially might not be aware of, Blair and Bush are on opposite sides of the fence. At least in theory.

Blair is supposed to be the leader of the working man's party and Bush's republicans are more aligned to the party of former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher's conservatives. Blair is more of a Clinton than he is a Bush, at least on paper. But today's events and those acts carried out by terror groups in the past, on British and American interests, have brought these two leaders together under a common will to stamp out terrorism - at least that's the public story.

An underling agenda, I believe, is being carried out by the Bush administration, to which I also have to trust even Tony Blair himself is aware of. Bush's agenda to spread the American way around the world plays right into the hands of religions extremists, of which you can count christian fundamentalists on the American side just as surely as you can so-called islamic terror groups on the other.

The people who benefit from the war on terror are the share holders of the same multi-national corporations who's rape and pillage mentality fuels so much hatred for the west in the first place, so who's in control here? The governments we elect or the companies and corporations our very way of life is defined by in this consume or be consumed society?

You want an answer to the ultimate question of "why do these terrorists hate us so much?" Well here's my theory. We have what they want and we ain't in the mood to share it. We want it all to ourselves and now it's too late to simply say to them that we, the ordinary people, didn't mean it to turn out this way. We are just as much a pawn in the game of control as you are. We didn't elect them, they elected themselves.

Why do you trust Bush, Mr. average American voter?
"Well he's strong on terrorists and he's a family man".
NO! You trust Bush because CNN, Fox, NBC and CBS told you to trust him. CBS is a General Electric company. General Electric make weapons of mass destruction for 'our side'. Join the fucking dots!
"Well they attacked us first, they flew a plane into the Pentagon and the world trade centre!"
Yeah? Well where's the wreckage on the lawn in front of the Pentagon? Why was the hole in the side of the Pentagon which was supposedly made by this airplane smaller than the wing span of a 737 but exactly the same size as a bunker buster missile? Why is the head quarters of the biggest military in the world protected by security cameras that don't record major terrorist attacks? Show me the proof that the 9/11 attack on the pentagon wasn't an illusion used to instill fear and I'll show you proof that it was.

*Note. In the documentary "911 In Plane Site", film maker Dave VonKleist presented information which called into question certain aspects of what has generally come to be accepted as the official version of the truth about what happened on the day terrorist stooped to a new low in evil. At the time of watching this film I was skeptical about all but the evidence presented to support the missile attack theory at the Pentagon. However, since the film was released, the former chief economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term, Morgan Reynolds, has commented that the official story about the collapse of the World Trade Centre is "bogus", and that it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and the adjacent Building No. 7. Which in the film, Mr. VonKleist attempted to demonstrate by highlighting eye whiteness statements, given to news reporters at the time of the twin towers collapse by New York city fire fighters, who recall the smell of cordite, used in controlled explosions, as being unmistakable in the air, and that the buildings appeared to have been "pulled", a term used in the demolition business meaning to bring an unsafe building down in a semi-controlled manner.


At Saturday, July 09, 2005 2:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a very interesting observation. And I agree that the news media shapes most, if not all, american views on politics. And ofcourse by politics, I mean everything. But you know, there is still intelligent, noble and honest americans out there. Not everyone votes for the GOP candidates because of the news. Most do it just because their friends, family or even co-workers. These individuals just likes to go along with their "people" because they don't wish to create a conflict and since it doesn't affect many of them very disastrously, they can just conform.

It's really sad what is happening in this day and age. Islam, the religion of peace, is being corrupted by "muslims" and non-muslims. The umma is dieing. It's so so sad. But insha'allah, some muslims will rise above and educate themselves on right and wrong. True Islam will come back when muslims get back into education and common sense.

No one deserved 9/11. No one deserved the madrid bombing, and no one deserved what happened in london. The only people dieing here are innocent, hard working people who simply provide for their families. These extremists must be stopped from within the muslim community by honest muslims. We don't deserve this.

By the way. Good to see a firefox compatible theme. 8-) Support Open Source Software and Compatibility over Monopoly!

At Saturday, July 09, 2005 9:02:00 PM, Blogger ~Sara~ said...

"These individuals just likes to go along with their "people" because they don't wish to create a conflict and since it doesn't affect many of them very disastrously, they can just conform. "

This is exactly the kind of mentality that is allowing the Bush Administration to conduct its agenda on gaining control over the oil frontier of the world outside the U.S by any means possible. This country's foundation is based on the ability of non-conformity to the majority of society and not get critisized for it. If everyone one goes about nonchalantly through their daily lives, doesnt think for themselves, and just adopts the views of others without actually trying to understand the situation, and not give a care for what is happening in the world then of course the members of the world outside of the U.S are going to be furious and retaliate. If these individuals do not care for the outside world just because it doesn't affect them doesn't make it right for the government to try to increase the stocks of its national corporations that add to the politicians campaign money by taking control of oil regimes. Just because someone wishes not to cause a conflict doesnt mean there wont be one and it doesnt mean that when there is one these people have to go blindly and accept whatever decision the government enforces. The government is supposed to work for the people not the other way around.

At Saturday, July 09, 2005 11:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The government is supposed to work for the people not the other way around."

Well, the government is helping the people. Just not THIS country's people. It seems we are helping others before we help ourselves. It would be nice if New York City got some money to fix the schools and the streets. We deserve it.

At Sunday, July 10, 2005 12:26:00 AM, Blogger ~Sara~ said...

the point of a government is to help its country first...and thats what our government is forgetting and its not a good thing!

At Friday, July 15, 2005 1:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sara,
I just happened to come to ur blog by chance, and this particular post caught my attention. Now I am really curious to watch this documentary u are talking abt. is it a commercially available one?I have seen Fahrenheit 9/11, and it was sure hard hitting! i am sure the one u mentioned also is equally revealing and thought provoking!
Good writing!!!

At Friday, July 15, 2005 10:57:00 AM, Blogger ~Sara~ said...

i am not really aware of the availability of the documentary...i had seen it in one of my classes at my university. but im sure if u just look around it might just pop up.


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