Return of the Ex....
What to do, what to do?
What do you do when the ex's start "checking in" on you? You know, "hey whatcha been up to? How's the weather? Seeing anyone?"
How much do you give in to? What do you reveal, keep away? And if they feel like they "made a mistake" how do you react? When should you not give them a second (or third, or fourth or fifth or sixth ect. ect.) chance? Obviously it all depends on what's currently going on with you. Like life is better without them in it, or that life is just better without them in it! OR, could it be that you both were the right people but it was the wrong time kind of thing! Love is such a risky thing. You really don't know what will happen unless you leap, and usually it's head first. [You know, it hurts harder when you go that way, but do we stop ourselves? Of course not =( ]
Is taking back or accepting the ex back in your life a smart decision? Or is it just a disaster waiting to happen? If your the dumper, wouldn't you think it's slimy for trying to hook back up with the one you dumped? And if your the dumpee, do you not feel awkward, since the dumper didn't want to be with you in the first place. (Is this getting more and more complicated?)
Are there rules to this special dance?
like seriously. make this firefox compatible.
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