Tuesday, November 29, 2005

my life is a bastard.

but at least i have the supply closet at work.

I have this weird love for the supply closet at work. It's not so much a closet as it is a series of cubical cabinets. But I love it just the same and still call it the supply closet. Yesterday I was searching for the right kind of black pen. There were ALL kinds in there...a pen oasis. I tried several of the pens on the new legal pads our secretary ordered. Nerd heaven!

I love playing around in the supply closet. Sniffing the post-its that remind me of the first day of school, playing with the binder clips - my favorite office supply, and thumbing through the wide variety of Sharpie markers is a good stress reliever for me. For example, yesterday I was searching for a red plastic binding so I could put a 30 page manual together. Our supply closet has about 45 boxes of those comb-looking plastic things. They are all different colors and sizes. You really have to pull down the box, open it up, check out the size and color, and keep moving on if you got the wrong ones. Seriously dude, I felt like Harry Potter when he was trying to find his wand. I know it's sad that those kinds of things make me smile, but at least I am honest.


At Friday, December 02, 2005 10:59:00 AM, Blogger Brown Magic said...

stumbled onto your blog from somewhere, and i know exactly what you mean about supply closets and the pen variety. I am glad someone else also loves office supplies as much as I do.

it is not sad (now repeat that 5 times in your head- its what I do, one of these days I'll believe it)

At Friday, December 02, 2005 12:08:00 PM, Blogger ~Sara~ said...

lol yes! finally someone at my level of (in?)SANITY!!!!!!!


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