The Dream - The Realization
I had a dream during my nap today, and I woke up in the middle of it "sleep talking" to someone in my past and telling this person everything I could never literally go up to them and say. It wasn't really about bashing this person, it was more about me coming to terms with the fact that I am such a better person than they are. All this time I have been coming up with excuses for this person's hurtful behavior and actions when all I needed to do was just stop, think, and realize that it doesn't matter what this person did, all that matters is that they did this to me, it hurt me indefinitely, and I didn't deserve it, especially since I was so true to them and now I need to realize that I am better off not living with that person in my life and dwelling on what meant what or what means what, and why this or that happened, and how things could have been this or that way. I'm tired of making excuses for this person, so here is the truth:
I am SO much better than a person who accepts less than what they deserve, I have so much to offer, I am ME, and I am loving every minute of it.
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