Worth Wearing Seaform Green For...
There's an old Mastercard commercial that goes something like this:
You see a girl obviously on her way to a wedding, dressed in a seafoam green dress with matching shoes and accessories.
The text reads:
"Seafoam green dress: $150
seafoam green dyed-to-match shoes: $80
manicure: $12
hair appointment: $45
friend worth wearing seafoam green for: priceless."
Though I do think it was a particularly well-done commercial, this post is not an advertisement for Mastercard or their marketing group, it is my way of wishing mazal tov to a friend who just got engaged. A friend who is very much worth wearing seafom green for (though she is not requesting that I do so).
A friend who is in fact priceless.
wat the jahanam? hahaha
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