Friday, August 12, 2005

The Rollar Coaster

Well its here. Like I knew it would be. It's funny how often I predict this and how right I am every time. But I wish I wasn't.

The rollar coaster just stopped right in front of me begging me to go for a ride.

Not this time pal, I've learned my lesson. I'm not gonna test the strengths of gravity anymore. I've seen and felt the conseqences before. Even though it pains me to let the rollar coaster go on with out me, I know I'm saving myself a lot more heartache.

Maybe I will reconsider if I could get something out of it. But who am I kidding, I know I won't. I compromise too much for this damn rollar coaster. It's time the rollar coaster do something for me. Which I truely doubt. And if you, the rollar coaster, chose not to. Then, I'm sorry to sound a bit cliche, but its your loss. You are losing a very loyal and dependable rider who truely loved the rollar coaster just not the ride it offered.


At Friday, August 12, 2005 3:45:00 AM, Blogger Tarun Bhatia said...

good for you.

At Friday, August 12, 2005 11:01:00 AM, Blogger ~Sara~ said...

thankies very much! :-D


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