Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I haven't blogged in a while, I've been soooo busy! So many birthdays - AHH!!! So I've practically been celebrating my 20th birthday since Thursday night and its been hella fun! Thursday night I chilled with my Stony girls, nothing too extravagent - dinner, movies, then just random sillyness! I'm glad we didn't do the whole party scene, even though everyone really wanted to. So Friday I went to my cuz's apartment and cooked some really good food for her boyfriend and "no one ;-)". We made biriyani, shrimp and vegetables, chicken, kababs and a whole lot of other goodies. It was my first time cooking biriyani and it came out soooo goood (according to our taste testers). It was a different kind of fun and I enjoyed it mucho much. Then we stayed up all night and had really amazing heart to heart talks. Saturday we just chilled in the city and did a lil' shopping, and that night me, no one, my cuz and a bunch of people went to do some shishaa in steinwey, and they surprised me at 12 with a burday cake and lil partyish type thing. I <3 u cuzin and "no one". Sunday I went home and spent my real burday with my parents and family. I got a digi cam woohooo!!!! I had a blast this weekend, but I was soooo sick through it all. But mah baby took care of me, muaaaaaah! Okie this is it for now, when I feel a lil better I'll be a lil more entertaining. And to everyone that remembered me on my burday, if I havent already thanked you personally, I just wanna say I really do appreciate all of you, and I DO feel the love. MUAHHH WITH A CHERRY ON TOP TO YOU ALL!!!


At Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:15:00 AM, Blogger mujahideen ryder said...


today is ur lucky today sara, the infmaous M R has posted a comment on your blog, you will now receive a huge increase of visitors to your site, and it will also be added to shaykh googles book of knowledge

hahhaha sorry im bored in the morning


At Thursday, March 17, 2005 11:15:00 AM, Blogger ~Sara~ said...


"today is my lucky today", Amir? is that so?? haha - alrighty!!! and yay im on shaykh googles book of knowledge!! [whatever that is] thanks for being so bored and reading all my nonsense!



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