Wednesday, March 09, 2005


New York weather is driving me insane! On Monday, I could have SWORN it was spring, it was like 60 degrees out...but yesterday there was a blizzard with hailing snow. I know this because it hit me in my face. The snow basically wanted to start a lil suttin' with me. But I wasn't having that. I went back to my room after physics and said TO HELL WITH YOU CLASS! But to my luck, classes for the rest of the day was canceled. It's all good though, I went to my important classes. It was soooo windy yesterday, no one really appreciated that, especially those carrying umbrellas. I saw more broken umbrellas yesterday then I did in my entire life. Then today....I woke up and looked outside and ELLO THERE SUNSHINE! It was beautifullllll outside, but if you went out, you were in for an itty bitty surprise....freeezing cold and iccceeee everywhereee! Oh well, at least I didn't fall this time. :-D

Ever seen Sesame Street In Spanish?...I have. They have more characters on there than Elmo, Grover and Cookie Monster. I don't know why I watched it yesterday but I did and it brought me back to my childhood, which was a good thing because I can go back there whenever I am feeling like this adulthood thing isn't working out. Life was so much simpler back then, wasn't it? ..::Sigh::..

I was thinking about this saying I'm sure most of you have heard before: Eyes are the window to the soul. Are they really? Can you really know what a person is thinking by the eyes? I used to think so. But now, I dunno. People practice manipulation and corruption so often that you never can tell who is telling the truth and who is making up falacies. But I still try to take people for their word. That's all I can go by really. ..::Sigh::..

On the brighter note, guess who's doing a comedy show at Stony next week???!!!! RUSSELL PETERS!!!!! THATS RIGHT! Russell Peters, the hilarious brown man. I can't wait! My friends and I and somebody are gonna have mucho fun! (Insha'allah of course :-D!)

Oh yah, which reminds me, lemme just let ya know before I forget! Mujahideen finally re-launched his site....check it out! It has some really good articles and some hella funny jokes.

..::Life has many parts....take them and store them in your ipod, your c-drive, your zip disk...any where....and always keep them never know when you might need one part of life to bail you out::...


At Thursday, March 10, 2005 12:28:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh sara. ur so funny. im sure u showed that snow who was boss! lolol. but anyways not feelin the weather either..its not cool at all. and its true wat u said about people lying all the time, that you really cant tell if they are or not..its just somethin that comes naturally to people now a days..sucky but true. have fun @ ur comedy showww lolol =] <3

At Thursday, March 10, 2005 1:42:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok so little confused on the last paragraph but completely get the rest of today's entry the snow in ny is the same here in ct it sucks. but luckily classes were cancelled here too!!! forget classes who needs them anyway lol jk.
cool blog sara
ps guess what i read my sweet sixteen book the other day. it states that we're supose to work on urben ledgens 3

At Thursday, March 10, 2005 2:07:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


i'm not commenting in respone to this specific "blog" but rather in response to the aim conversation we are presently having. in particular, i wanted to say that i did not forget you as you have accused me of. i appreciate the fact that our many years of friendship allows us to continue to have conversations such as the one we are having now, and that i can still read your lame blog, and say, sara, u are a loser, but i love you still. rock on my friend, ill talk to you soon...maybe we'll meet up in the big H-ville sometime soon and do the lame high school renunion thing hahahahahah
peace out sara


At Thursday, March 10, 2005 3:22:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saraaaaa!!! Awwies yes, I miss those old childhood days. Life def. was much easier back then. All you'd have to worry about is making sure you took your lunch with you to school, and get back home in time to watch cute lil funny cartoons, while still leaving enough time to go play outside. AWW MAN =( I don't wanna grow up..we're getting old...=/

<3 -[[ShiNeY]]-

At Saturday, March 12, 2005 9:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terrible Terrible ...... this is just a shame.

At Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:17:00 AM, Blogger mujahideen ryder said...


ok the previous comment i made, which is the on the lastest post, i take it back, u were always in shaykh googles kitab ul ilm, beacause of this post.


inshaAllah more ppl will covert to the minhaj of M R

haha payce wun


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