Stuff that annoys Sara:
- Hypocrites: people who change their opinions all the time based on whats popular...seriously get a life!
- Water Fountains with low pressure: yuckie!
- wEn PeOpLe OnLiNe tYpeZ LiKe DiS: argh!!!!
- when people say "HON": either use to full word or dont say it at all! its freakin annoying!
- when people tell me how to spend my money: its my money, i worked for it, i will spend it or not spend how i want!
- People who talk as if they are better then everyone: snobs!
- Guys who wear tight pants: eww!
- People who have long toe nails: thats is NASTY!
- Waking up early: argh!
- People who relate every topic of conversation within a group back to themselves: ahem ahem...Samina knows who im talking about :-X
- When people leave empty cartons in the fridge: its just wrong!
- When people leave damp towels on the bed: use your head people...wet towels + dry bed= wet bed....its just not nice....
- Grocery carts with one bad wheel or any other non-working parts
- NBC for canceling "Friends"
*inspired by Deepthi's away message*
Also...I just want to apologize to everyone that had to read my previous post. It was pretty grotesque, but I needed to let out some anger and frustration out. It was just one of those weeks where sanity is out of the question. Maybe I should just be tied up in a straight jacket.
I should definitely get a gold medal for dealing with this week and still staying alive. Not bronze or silver, but gold. I deserve that much (and a Nike endorsement to go with it to make me a few million).
This is a very interesting and fascinating list. But I think you should write about the things that make you smile. You look better when you smile then when you frown.
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